"Just like every other crazy summer camp" but a whole lot more
"Just like every other crazy summer camp" but a whole lot more
"Just like every other crazy summer camp" but a whole lot more

True to our culture of commitment to our communities, each employee at Upper Canada Forest Products/Sierra Forest Products is given one paid day off each year to volunteer. Matt Mumford takes this day to heart, and rolls up his sleeves and gets to work doing a different kind of "heavy lifting". For the third year in a row, Matt has taken his day off to support ABA Summer Camps in his home town of Vancouver.

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Summer Camps provide a summer camp experience for children with autism, a proven successful model maintaining a classroom-like structure through the summer months. This allows for continued treatment during the summer months, making the September transition back to school much easier. The ABA Summer Camp provides a safe and structured environment and is designed to suit the needs of a variety of children. It also provides a welcome option for parents, allowing their children to experience summer camp, including outings, games and arts and crafts, in a safe and positive environment.

Matt Mumford, Upper Canada Vancouver's Product and Specifications Manager, volunteers each year as the camp comes to a close. This way he gets a chance to interact with the kids during crafts and games while also supporting the all-important take-down and tidy up of the school that hosts the camp. Matt's experience with the children makes a lasting impact on him and brings him back year after year. "I love to see the campers, who face a variety of cognitive and social challenges, having fun, just like every other crazy summer camp." This sense of fulfillment is increased at the end of the camp day when the parents come to pick up their kids and the appreciation for this 'normal' camp experience is overwhelming. Matt is already looking ahead to the summer of 2018 for more camp fun!


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